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Signs You Need A Bigger Water Heater For Your Home

Feb 08, 2024

Hot water is an essential commodity in most homes today. From cooking to cleaning and taking showers, hot water is a must-have. However, you may have noticed that your hot water runs out faster or doesn't seem to get hot enough lately. If this is your experience, it might be time to upgrade your water heater. Let's take a look at the signs that you need a bigger water heater for your home, the benefits of upgrading, and whether you should get a traditional or tankless water heater.

Your Shower is Running Cold Quickly

Are you having to rush through your showers because the hot water runs out too quickly? Have you added more family members to your home or have more people showering than you used to? These are clear indications that your water heater is too small for your home. It means that your unit is struggling to keep up with the demand for hot water in your household. Upgrading to a larger water heater unit will ensure that you have a steady supply of hot water for all your family members.

Not Enough Hot Water for All Household Appliances

Is it a struggle to do your laundry or dishes because there isn't enough hot water? If your water heater is too small for your household needs, you'll likely experience this problem. You either have less hot water for your needs because your current water heater is too small or because the unit isn't working as it should. With a larger water heater, you'll have enough hot water to run all your household appliances without experiencing a drop in temperature.

Frequent Plumbing Issues

If you're frequently experiencing plumbing leaks or blockages, it could be due to your water heater. When your water heater is too small, it can lead to increased pressure on your pipes as the water tries to flow faster to meet the demand. This pressure can cause damage to your plumbing system, leading to leaks and blockages. Upgrading your water heater to a bigger one can help reduce the strain on your pipes.

Your Water Heater is More Than a Decade Old

Water heaters typically last about a decade before they need replacing. If your water heater is more than a decade old, it's time to start thinking about upgrading. Older units tend to be less efficient and may not meet the demands of a modern household. A new and larger water heater unit will be more efficient, helping you save on your energy bills and providing you with a steady supply of hot water.

Upgrade to a Tankless Water Heater or Traditional?

Once you've decided to upgrade your water heater, you need to choose between a tankless or traditional water heater. Traditional water heaters store water in a tank, which is heated when required, while a tankless water heater heats water as it flows through the unit. Tankless water heaters are more efficient and take up less space, but they're also more expensive than traditional units. Ultimately, your decision will depend on your budget, household needs, and preferences. Your HVAC specialist can assist you in choosing the right water heater for your home's upgrade if you cannot decide. 

Don't let a small water heater cause you endless frustrations with cold showers and laundry. If you're experiencing any of the above signs, it's time to upgrade to a bigger unit. A new water heater will improve the quality of your home's hot water supply and provide you with a more efficient and cost-effective system. When deciding between traditional and tankless water heaters, consider your household needs and budget. Regardless, upgrading your water heater is a wise investment that will provide your household with hot water for years to come. Call Haining Home Services for your water heater needs today. 

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